The Golden Lion Children's Trust has PricewaterhouseCooper’s Gatwick office to thank for this very enjoyable visit to Cineworld Crawley to see the second adventure of Kung Fu Panda. The Company was organising the event for their employees and families, and most generously invited the GLCT to share the occasion.
A large number of Golden Lion Children's Trust guests enjoyed the fun, which included a drink and popcorn for everyone, and of course, special 3D glasses.
In addition they were greeted by not one but TWO Pandas, who energetically showed off their Kung Fu moves whilst guests waited in the cinema foyer, much to the delight of both the young and ‘older’ children.
The film itself was a delight, with “Good” eventually triumphing over “Evil”, for everyone’s peace of mind. The poor Panda is not the brightest hero, nor much of a leader, but with his gallant band could probably defeat any likely or unlikely ogre.
As the audience filed out after the film, they again had the opportunity to be photographed with one or other of the obliging Pandas.
And thanks to PwC’s further generosity it could well be that one of those Pandas will be spotted at future GLCT events! Don't be surprised if you see him!