Latest news from GLCT

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Bluebell Railway 'Santa Special'

On Tuesday 19th December 2009 Golden Lion Children’s Trust were able to invite almost 250children and staff from nine special needs school in Sussex to enjoy a morning on the Bluebell Railway Santa Special thanks to the kindness of one particular Lewes Rotary Club.

Alan Jackson very kindly nominated the GLCT as the President’s charity during the year that he held office – and he and his fellow Rotarians raised the funds to pay for this project. We were delighted that Alan could join us for the event and see for himself the fun everyone had.

Helpers with the project included staff from PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Gatwick office; Ashdown Park hotel, West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service as well as regular Friends of the GLCT. Guests were entertained by a clown, an accordionist, magicians and hand-painters while waiting for Santa himself to walk through the train giving presents to each child.

One class teacher summed up the visit by describing it as 'a truly magical experience’ ......... and that is just what the GLCT believe it should be!